Miyerkules, Hunyo 4, 2014

Food trip of the week : Chicken nilaga

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

Today, I mistakenly bought chicken instead of pork and I planned to cook nilaga. Galing di ba? Surely, sign of aging. No doubt.

I'm sure it sounds weird since it's chicken nilaga. I mean pork nilaga and chicken tinola is common but chicken nilaga, hindi masyado di ba? So there, since I have paid for the chicken and no plans of spending more I told myself chicken nilaga? Why not, go!


3 cloves        garlic
1 medium      onion
3/4 kg           chicken/adobo cut
5 cups           water
1/4 kg            potatoes
15 pcs.          baguio beans
1/4 kg            pechay
fish sauce     according to taste


1. Saute' garlic,onion and chicken cooking until brown.
2. Add 5 cups water, and the peppercorn. Let it boil for atleast 4 minutes.
3. Add potatoes, cook until tender.
4. Add baguio beans, add fish sauce according to taste. Simmer for a minute.
5. Add pechay, turn off heat so as not to overcook.
6. Serve hot.


Serve with fish sauce, calamansi and chili.

Chicken Nilaga

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