Martes, Oktubre 14, 2014

Versions : Pizza Bread

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

I have made this early Sunday morning when I figured out that I have not bought any pancit canton for breakfast. Good thing that I have tuna and cheese spread on hand.

 Ingredients :

  • 4-6 pcs.         Gardenia wheat or white bread
  • 1 pouch         Quick n Easy Del Monte Italian Pizza Sauce (115g)
  • 1 can             Century Tuna (in vegetable oil)
  • 1 pouch         Magnolia Cheezee Squeeeze
  • bell pepper     optional
  • mushroom      optional
 Procedure :

1. Place bread on a plate.
2. Spread the pizza sauce evenly on the bread, then cheese.
3. Arrange the remaining ingredients on the bread.
4. Place on oven toaster for 3 minutes or until cheese is melted.
5. Served hot.

Waiting for my share. :)

My version of Pizza bread

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