Huwebes, Mayo 15, 2014

Weekend again at last!

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

Almost weekend again, and this post is supposedly for last Saturday. Oh well, it's a late post, sorry.

For someone who work on weekdays, weekend is the day that we all look forward. Aminin, relate ako jan!

It's my time to bond with my family. We would normally eat out on weekends and have sleepover at my nanay's place. Last weekend, we went to Batangas. Naku, we had to wait for almost 4 hours for a bus in Kamias turned out when the bus finally arrived there is no direct trip to Batangas City so we need to take another bus in Lipa, the "supposedly" 2 hours travel time took almost 6 hours! Imagine that?! We learned our lesson to go to the other bus station in Cubao, it's less crowded.

Anyway, I am not feeling well over the weekend (my immune system is failing me na ata?) but since it was planned that we will celebrate Mother's day in my MIL's place, I obliged myself to cook that day. We had Penne in Pesto Sauce and Potato salad. It was a hit believe me!

I will post another blog with the recipe next time.

For now, let me continue with the kwento. We opted not to go to the mall last Sunday thinking that will be really a nightmare. People will all be in the mall to celebrate. We have decided to make a post-Mother's day celebration and that's did that last Monday. We had lunch at Max's in SM Batangas and ordered the half table A I guess. My MIL enjoyed the food and the bonding, how did I know? She told us while we were having lunch and requested for my SIL to bring her a Max's fried chicken next payday. Haha! We will definitely eat here again...soon.

Obviously we ate at Max's

Ashaya excited with the menu

Lumpiang shanghai

The famous Max's fried chicken, definitely sarap to the bones!


We headed back to Manila on Tuesday morning. Me, still sick and hopefully i'll have my voice back soon. I need it for work, it's what I do for a living.

Back to reality.

Life goes on....

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