Miyerkules, Agosto 27, 2014

Product Review : Lee Kum Kee Sesame Oil

Hello everyone!

Good morning!

It has been months since I planned to buy this particular condiment to add to my usual soy sauce, vinegar, fish sauce selection however, I have to weigh things first before I can purchase something. Kuripot ba? Hindi naman masyado, I'm running on a budget eh so what is listed on my to buy list yun dapat ang unahin ko.

Kaso, I wanted to cook pork siomai din for the longest time, since sesame oil is needed in the recipe napa-impulse buying ako kanina sa grocery.

There are two options for this particular sesame oil, the one is in a bigger bottle for the lesser price  but for some reasons, I chose Lee Kum Kee, siguro kasi well-known na sya and tested na over time. Sometimes, we need to really choose quality over quantity kahit na nga mas pricey pa yan go lang as long as makukuha natin yung needed natin na outcome dun sa purchase natin. Let me welcome this Lee Kum Kee sesame oil to my pantry!

For the siomai, I have to admit that I need practice since it was some sort of trial and error. The taste was good but unfortunately I was unable to grease the steamer with oil and the siomai got stucked kaya ang nangyari in-scoop namin yung siomai instead na gamitan lang ng chop sticks haha! Turns out not blog-worthy to post haha! I will cook soon, hopefully this time I will be able to post it here. :)

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