Lunes, Mayo 26, 2014

Adventure : Potipot, Zambales

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

TEAM Building in Potipot Zambales!

It's been planned for months and now it's finally here. Our TEAM at work will be spending out of town this weekend. This is our first ever beach get-away as a team and we are so looking forward to it.

Let the photos speak of the fun that we had:

Driving on NLEX with the reliable Wacky :)

On the road...
Approaching SCTEX
Before heading to the port

Potipot Island from the port
The GTCC girls

Strolling in Potipot Island

GTCC Manila group selfie :)

Watch out for more photos of our Potipot adventure on my next blog. It was a great weekend with these guys....until next time!

Miyerkules, Mayo 21, 2014

2nd and COUNTING!

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

No, don't get me wrong. This is going to be my first ever blog. After reading a lot of blog post in the past few months finally, I got the courage to write one.

This day, some two years ago, I get to experience the essence of being a woman (so miss universe like huh?). I gave birth to a tiny, curious eyed baby girl. We named here Hannah Ashaya. 

How time flies, she just turned two today and I thought this might be the best time to start writing about life and it's blessings.

This is for my baby girl, and for this blogs first post...

Screaming Ashaya

Red Ribbons Black Forest

We all have reasons to live for, whatever your reason make sure that it's worth it.

Cherish life.

Life goes on....

Food trip of the week : Creamy penne in tuna and pesto sauce

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

One of the things that I really love doing is to cook, maybe it has something to do with my Batanguena roots? I don't know, but what I know is I love to eat, and I know good food!

Last weekend, I cooked this recipe I saw in the internet last month, The1st time I tried cooking this was on a weekend sleepover at my Nanay's place which turned out to be too oily, I guess I got a bit excited adding the olive oil.

This time, I tried to follow the steps and skip the olive oil.


500g                 Ideal Penne pasta Gourmet Penne Macaroni
1 pouch            Clara Ole' Cheesy Pesto
1 can                Century tuna (in vegetable oil or hot and spicy)
1 can                SM Bonus mushroom (stems and pieces)
1 250ml            Nestle All Purpose Cream
1 head              garlic
1 medium         onion


1. Cook pasta according to package instruction. Drain. Set aside.
2. Heat pan, using tuna's oil saute' garlic until golden, add onion.
3. Add tuna, cook for a minute or two.
4. Add mushroom cook for about 2 minutes then add Clara Ole' Cheesy Pesto.
5. Mix in Nestle All Purpose Cream let it simmer for a minute.
6. Pour into pasta, mix and serve.
7. Makes 2-4 servings.


Serve with garlic bread.

Creamy penne in tuna and pesto sauce

Biyernes, Mayo 16, 2014


Hi everyone!

Good morning!

Don't you love Saturday? I do, obvious much ba?

I had lunch with Bhadz Maru (my neighbor/friend) at Mc Donalds in Strata 100.We had to rush kasi we both have an hour lang to catch up. Hope to see more of you Bhadz, thanks again for granting one of my life's little wish. :)

Later today we have an appointment with Ashaya's pediatrician. She's with us since I gave birth to a 6 1/2 month old baby. Yes, you read it right. My Ashaya is a preemie, she stayed in the incubator for 2 weeks just to complete the 7 months other than that, she's healthy except for the common cough and colds that kids normally have as part of growing up.

I hope to see my college BFF/kumare later today, a balikbayan. I recall sitting next to her during Accounting exams kasi ang henya nya dun sobra! I know it's hard for her to find time to meet up since her vacation is limited ang hirap manage ng time, you wanted to see everyone pero with your limited time struggle talaga. We've been friends for a long time now, 18 years? Tagal na pala, parang kelan lang kami umattend ng "Hataw sa tag-araw para sa Mindanao, I think that is our first ever gimik together, kasunod ng madaming madami pa. Excited ako, sana mag push ito.

Have a  productive weekend everyone!

Keep safe.

Life is a journey, hit or miss enjoy it!

Life goes on....

Huwebes, Mayo 15, 2014

Little wishes

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

My voice is slowly coming back and that is good news. I was sick last weekend and to make it even worse, Ashaya and husband got infected with my virus, now we all have cough and colds. Hayyy..for a mom like me, di bale na tayo ang magkasakit wag lang ang anak natin. Sadly, we live in a less perfect world. Good thing her immune system is better than mine. So, to all the mommies out there make sure to give your kids vitamin C and let them drink lots of water kasi sobrang init talaga this summer!

Kwento, I was able to get in touch with one of my friends way back 1999. We fondly call him Bhadz. His family used to live next door, thanks to social media (Facebook to be exact). He is into photography and was really shocked to learn that he owns a camera worth a condo down payment to move in! Yaman di ba? And thanks to him, since he will not be needing his pre-loved camera, I will get it to be able to post pictures in this blog.(2 gives, see how poor I am?! LOL). I was really eyeing for a camera for so long but then obligations should come first, right? I believe this is what it looks like:

Picture courtesy of Google

So, I am really excited to this new adventure.

It was one of my life's little wishes, coming to reality.

Ang babaw ko ba? Haha, ok lang.

Simple things should make us happy, that way life will be less complicated.

And then life goes on....

Weekend again at last!

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

Almost weekend again, and this post is supposedly for last Saturday. Oh well, it's a late post, sorry.

For someone who work on weekdays, weekend is the day that we all look forward. Aminin, relate ako jan!

It's my time to bond with my family. We would normally eat out on weekends and have sleepover at my nanay's place. Last weekend, we went to Batangas. Naku, we had to wait for almost 4 hours for a bus in Kamias turned out when the bus finally arrived there is no direct trip to Batangas City so we need to take another bus in Lipa, the "supposedly" 2 hours travel time took almost 6 hours! Imagine that?! We learned our lesson to go to the other bus station in Cubao, it's less crowded.

Anyway, I am not feeling well over the weekend (my immune system is failing me na ata?) but since it was planned that we will celebrate Mother's day in my MIL's place, I obliged myself to cook that day. We had Penne in Pesto Sauce and Potato salad. It was a hit believe me!

I will post another blog with the recipe next time.

For now, let me continue with the kwento. We opted not to go to the mall last Sunday thinking that will be really a nightmare. People will all be in the mall to celebrate. We have decided to make a post-Mother's day celebration and that's did that last Monday. We had lunch at Max's in SM Batangas and ordered the half table A I guess. My MIL enjoyed the food and the bonding, how did I know? She told us while we were having lunch and requested for my SIL to bring her a Max's fried chicken next payday. Haha! We will definitely eat here again...soon.

Obviously we ate at Max's

Ashaya excited with the menu

Lumpiang shanghai

The famous Max's fried chicken, definitely sarap to the bones!


We headed back to Manila on Tuesday morning. Me, still sick and hopefully i'll have my voice back soon. I need it for work, it's what I do for a living.

Back to reality.

Life goes on....

Biyernes, Mayo 9, 2014

Looking forward to the weekend!

Hi everyone!

Good morning!

It was a longgggg night for me here at work, literally. Someone need to think of ways to kill time. It was a great thing I have this blog to keep me awake. Lols :)

I am so looking forward to the weekend and I don't mind working extra time. We will be spending our weekend with my MIL and SIL (mother-in-law and sister-in-law) in Batangas. The last time we were there was last December spending the New year. See? It's just 2 1/2 hours away from Manila but it seems far di ba? Time and budget need to meet first. :)

Maybe you are wondering why there are no photos in this blog? Ahem, I am still saving for a decent camera.
The mobile phone that I was using (courtesy of husband) is no help at all, I am just a simple call and text person never a techy one. Although I admire gadgets, I am not pressured to have them. Di bale na wala ako bonggang phone, wag lang malubog sa utang ang peg ko!

I will try to post some pictures using hubby's phone on our weekend getaway. (Fingers crossed).

In the meantime, let us all enjoy the weekend.

Keep safe everyone!

And life must go on...

Martes, Mayo 6, 2014

Sleepy nights....

Hi there.

Good morning! Working night shifts has its ups and downs. The UP side will be the night differential that I will get on pay day (meaning I will be getting paid more for not sleeping at night)...and that will mean I will have extra cash..

DOWN side? You cannot give in when your eyes starts to close on their own, there is a possibility that the guard on duty will caught you or your boss will give you a paper and file an NTE (notice to explain) lol.

I had my share of those times, it is an everyday struggle for me. As in every single work night!

For those of you who is on a regular day job, I know the struggle will be waking up every morning specially if you sleep late the night before? The scene will like literally dragging yourself out of bed! Then, having to face the morning waiting for a ride and the usual metro traffic.

Oh well, it will always be this way unless your workplace is a jog away from where you live, it will be great.

For all of us who do not....this is life.

And life goes on....